Bitcoin For Queens - Crypto Spreadsheets




Bitcoin Queens Method

11 Lessons

0% Not started

The Different Types of Urgency Campaigns You Can Create
By Carolyn Chadwick
About Bitcoin For Queens - Crypto Spreadsheets

Simple and Easy

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Brief introduction from me to tell you my amazing partner Jon will be taking you through the Bitcoin for Queens spreadsheet in easy tutorials.

In this live tutorial on 20/02/2022 Jon and I explain how the Crypto Spreadsheet works and answer some great questions. Also the quenstion about why is the market low and how to deal with the feeling of being disappointed that Bitcoin hasn't hit $100K yet.

This spreadsheet is what I use to track my profit potentials per Crypto coin. I make use of the Fibonacci retracement analyses and works really well. I followed a course by an American YouTuber called Blockchain Backer and have made this one for you using his system too. I love it and makes it really clear for you what you own and what % growth is left in your potential cryptos.

This is a really useful spreadsheet to help you keep track of abundance flowing into your life in what ever form it may be. It's about bringing more and more awareness into your life on what abundance is and that you show gratitude for what is already there so the universe can send you more of what you want. Appreciate all you have and be open to receiving more. Make note of what you receive daily in this tracker. Income, gifts, lunches, dinners, inheritance, money you might find on the street. Note it all down and your life will unfold into beauty infront of your eyes.

Members Only

Download the 5 minute Money Mantra Subliminal audio to change your attitude towards money. Please note: the mantras are subliminal, which means you might not be able to consciously hear them. The audio isn’t broken! It's to empower your subconscious mind.

Print out this savings planner and start tracking your 52 weeks today. It doesn't matter when you start as long as you start. Every week you put aside the amount for that week. Week 1 it's in whatever currency you live in, be it £, $ or €1,- and for week 15 it would be €15 and so on. It's a great way to save some extra money which you can then use to invest in either Index trackers, your ISA or 401K project or even better still in my opinion in Bitcoin (nothing here is financial advice and always as a professional about what is the best investment opportunity for you. Remember I'm not a financial advisor so always do your own research)

Print deze spaarplanner uit en begin het bijhouden van jou 52 weken vandaag. Het maakt niet uit wanneer je begint, als je maar begint. Elke week zet je het bedrag voor die week opzij. Week 1 is dan €1,- en voor week 15 zou het €15 zijn enzovoort. Zodra je het in je spaarpot/spaarrekening hebt gelegd, dan vink je het af in de tabel. Het is een geweldige manier om wat extra geld te besparen dat je vervolgens kunt gebruiken om te investeren in indextrackers, je ISA- of een 401K-project of nog beter naar mijn mening in Bitcoin (niets hier is financieel advies en vraag altijd een professional persoon over wat de beste investeringsmogelijkheid voor je is. Onthoud dat ik geen financieel adviseur ben, dus doe altijd je eigen onderzoek)

About the Teacher

Carolyn Chadwick

Hey there, lovely!

I'm Carolyn, your guide on the journey to an organized, joyful, and abundant life. My passion for creating beautiful, clutter-free spaces has transformed countless homes and lives. I believe that a well-organized home is the foundation for a peaceful and prosperous life.

Back in 2018, I discovered the incredible potential of Bitcoin and made my first investment. This journey has not only made me financially independent but also a Bitcoin advocate, empowering women to seize this unique investment opportunity.

Today, I support and educate driven, courageous female leaders and entrepreneurs. My mission is to help you transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and joy, while also guiding you on the path to financial freedom through smart investments.

Join me in the HappiNest Journey, where we declutter our homes, minds, and finances, creating a life full of abundance and serenity.

With love and light,
Carolyn xox

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