Bitcoin Queens English
72 Lessons
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By Carolyn Chadwick
About Bitcoin for Queens Method
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Your guidebook for the Bitcoin for Queens Masteclass module 1
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This is your very own ultimate planner for the year. You can start whenever as it is undated. Either print it out and treat yourself to a beautiful bound A4 diary where you can write in it daily with your most beautiful pen or follow the download and write in a pretty notebook. I'm a strong believer that if you physically write every goal and dream down the universe will begin to arrange your requests. Get really specific in what you want and declutter your money beliefs and begin to bring in abundance and wealth. In the live monthly masterclasses we will be discussing your money mindset and train you how declutter money hindering beliefs. Good luck and have fun ordering. Carolyn xox
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For those of you can't wait ;) - An example video of how to sign up on an Exchange Platform (BitMyMoney). Duration 38 minutes. Do press forward if bits are not of interest to you. In lesson 2 you will find my recommended Exchange Platforms in PDF. In the resources I have added more short Youtube videos on how to sign up for other Exchange platforms I recommend.
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This is a PDF with Exchange Platforms I think are good to sign up to depending on where you are from in the world. Do check if you use others to have good reviews.
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In the tutorial in the resource I show you how to upload money from your bank account into your Fiat (money) wallet on the Exchange Platform, which will either be Dollars $/Euros € or Pounds £ and maybe there a couple of others. Choose wisely. Then I show you how to buy BTC using that money you uploaded.
Now that you have purchased your first Satoshis you are now officially a Bitcoin Queen as own bitcoin! Congratulations! A huge step in the direction of building your investment portfolio. Now I will show you how to buy the other Altcoins I mentioned (Ethereum ETH and Cardano ADA).
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It's really important that you know about these cycles so you realise that after a euphoric period in the crypto world there will be a period of rest and the market will be less excited. During this time period we accumulate.
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It's important you know what the differences are between the bull and the bear market as this is part of your crypto journey and financial literacy education. You will hear me talk about it frequently.
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This lesson will be focused on making you become aware of any money blocks you have and how to clear them so more abundance can come into your life.
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What the term means and how to develop strong diamond hands when everybody is panic selling.
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If you want to learn how to read a chart on for expample a website like it's important you know what the red and green colours are. They are the candles and they give you lots of info about the trend in the market.
You can buy your Ledger Nano X or S here at the official compnay itself.
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A Hard Wallet is when you take your Bitcoin or other crypto off the Exchange Platforms. They are still on the Blockchain, however in your own custody. Your keys your coins unlike when left with an Exchange Platform. Crypto dad: Ledger Nano X set up Youtube video. Watch first without doing anything. Then a 2nd time and take notes and the 3rd time you start to follow the steps super focused without anybody there to distract you. You need to take note of the 24 words (Seed Phrase) because these are your MOST IMPORTANT keys in your life. DO NOT LOSE THEM!!! If you do you will NEVER be able to get to your coins again.
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You can also receive other crypto besides Bitcoin. I suggest you only hold strong projects and no more than 8. Otherwise it gets complicated to manage. So besides Bitocin I hold: Ehtereum, Litecoin, Solana, Cardano, XRP, Link and Apecoin (this is a fun one that I'm selling when it hits $40)
This is a 2 hour Workshop in DUTCH only. All about how to place buying and selling orders in your Exchange Platform. You seriously want to know how to do this because when there is euphoria in the markets Exchange platforms tend to go down becaues of all the heavy traffic with people wanting to sell at tops. I also share the 3 top questions you need to answer yes to before ever buying or selling again in the future. These are super helpful and will help you make more profits.
Een Nederlandse workshop over hoe je de Ledger Nano (hardwallet) gebruikt. Waarom het belangrijk is dat je er uiteindelijk 1 hebt en gebruikt.
Workshop 2a over de ledger Nano. Hoe maak je een Bitcoin wallet aan in de Ledger.
Workshop vervolg 2b. Hoe maak je een wallet aan in de Ledger en ook over wat de andere buttons zijn.
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Workshop Q&A 3c. Echt de moeite waard om ook te bekijken! Komen goede vragen aan de orde. Let's talk money!
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Brief introduction from me to tell you my amazing partner Jon will be taking you through the Bitcoin for Queens spreadsheet in easy tutorials.
Nice spreadsheet for you to donwload .
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This spreadsheet is what I use to track my profit potentials per Crypto coin. I make use of the Fibonacci retracement analyses and works really well. I followed a course by an American YouTuber called Blockchain Backer and have made this one for you using his system too. I love it and makes it really clear for you what you own and what % growth is left in your potential cryptos.
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This is a really useful spreadsheet to help you keep track of abundance flowing into your life in what ever form it may be. It's about bringing more and more awareness into your life on what abundance is and that you show gratitude for what is already there so the universe can send you more of what you want. Appreciate all you have and be open to receiving more. Make note of what you receive daily in this tracker. Income, gifts, lunches, dinners, inheritance, money you might find on the street. Note it all down and your life will unfold into beauty infront of your eyes.
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Download the 5 minute Money Mantra Subliminal audio to change your attitude towards money. Please note: the mantras are subliminal, which means you might not be able to consciously hear them. The audio isn’t broken! It's to empower your subconscious mind.
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Print out this savings planner and start tracking your 52 weeks today. It doesn't matter when you start as long as you start. Every week you put aside the amount for that week. Week 1 it's in whatever currency you live in, be it £, $ or €1,- and for week 15 it would be €15 and so on. It's a great way to save some extra money which you can then use to invest in either Index trackers, your ISA or 401K project or even better still in my opinion in Bitcoin (nothing here is financial advice and always as a professional about what is the best investment opportunity for you. Remember I'm not a financial advisor so always do your own research)
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Meditation Library
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KonMari question here at the start for first 30 minutes and then 30 minutes Bitcoin questions. I will after 4 Q&A replays change to 1 hour full for Bitcoin questions and after a 30 minute KonMari Q&A for those of yo who have questions.
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KonMari question here at the start for first 30 minutes and then 30 minutes Bitcoin questions. I have changed the template after 4 Q&A replays and changed to 1 hour full for Bitcoin questions and after a 30 minute KonMari Q&A for those of you who have questions.
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KonMari question here at the start for first 30 minutes and then 30 minutes Bitcoin questions. I have changed the template after 4 Q&A replays and changed to 1 hour full for Bitcoin questions and after a 30 minute KonMari Q&A for those of you who have questions.
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KonMari question here at the start for first 30 minutes and then 30 minutes Bitcoin questions. I have changed the template after this one to 1 hour full for Bitcoin questions and after a 30 minute KonMari Q&A for those of you who have questions.
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This is the very first Live Online Masterclass. Hannah was on her own and did have many KonMari questions. So the morning session is all about KonMari which is very useful and will answer many of your issues around decluttering and choosing what sparks joy. The afternoon is Bitcoin focused.
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A short replay of 30 minutes Bitcoin questions (Fibonacci Retracement) and then a short KonMari question about paperwork.
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No Q&A as only Saskia was there and she didn't really have any Bitcoin questions
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Part 1 of the live masterclass: Intro, quick dance to loosen up and a breathing relaxing mantra with music to calm youdown after a busy day. Intro again about Satoshi and Bitcoin. Why only 21 million. What is a Bull market and Bear market. Quick Q&A.
Part 2 of the morning session: What does your exchange platform look like, finding your way around your apps, Euro Wallet on your Exchange, uploading extra liquidity. Buying, Selling, Converting, Sending and Receiving Crypto.
Part 3 is the full afternoon session: Show you where you can find the spreadsheets, Show you how the Crypto Spreadsheets work, listen to the 2 tutorials, Explain live how they work by giving examples, time to practise, look at and and teaching you the basics of what a chart looks like (technical), Quick Q&A Second half of afternoon: Decluttering Money blocks with the Ho'oponopono mantra of forgiveness, pracise, Filling out the 52 week Bitcoin for Queens Planner and setting realistic goals to grow your monthly portfolio, asking by being specific what we want in our life. Ask the universe but being specific and writing them down.
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Question about what is Staking and do I allow it on my Exchange?
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How to set up RSI (Relative Strenght Indicator) in and when is a good time to sell?
Topics: Exit strategy, (at 1hour mark) - Security, Ledger Nano X, Video of how to install and prepare your Ledger Nano X, Money Mindset and how to declutter money blocks
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Questions: When do I sell during the Bull run? Can I open an account for my underaged child? Security? Ledger Nano X USB stick and what is 24 seed phrase? Can governments ban crypto? What other experts say? and more.
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topics: Security, Why the Ledger Nano X. Great question about what happens to my Bitcoin or Altcoins if I transfer them form theExchange Platform to the Ledger? Do they keep increasing in value? We also looked at the Crypto Spreadsheets and Saskia filled them out as she wanted to practise.
About the Teacher
Carolyn Chadwick
Hey there, lovely!
I'm Carolyn, your guide on the journey to an organized, joyful, and abundant life. My passion for creating beautiful, clutter-free spaces has transformed countless homes and lives. I believe that a well-organized home is the foundation for a peaceful and prosperous life.
Back in 2018, I discovered the incredible potential of Bitcoin and made my first investment. This journey has not only made me financially independent but also a Bitcoin advocate, empowering women to seize this unique investment opportunity.
Today, I support and educate driven, courageous female leaders and entrepreneurs. My mission is to help you transform your home into a sanctuary of peace and joy, while also guiding you on the path to financial freedom through smart investments.
Join me in the HappiNest Journey, where we declutter our homes, minds, and finances, creating a life full of abundance and serenity.
With love and light,
Carolyn xox